Category: Tech

  • I’m Leaving Facebook, for Now, I’m Not Asking Anyone to are

    I’m Leaving Facebook, for Now, I’m Not Asking Anyone to are

    Last year in October I stopped posting to my own Facebook timeline, publicly or otherwise. That was about a year after I uninstalled the Facebook app from my phone. Both of these decisions felt freeing, they made me happier and almost literally gave me more hours in my day. I kept lurking on Facebook, in…

  • Do We Need Laws For Net Neutrality?

    Do We Need Laws For Net Neutrality?

    I’ve always supported the ideas behind Net Neutrality. A free and open internet where internet service providers would serve all sites at the best available speed and not charge websites for preferential treatment (faster speeds). For the record, I also support Santa Claus serving ALL children with the best toys his elves can churn out,…