Tag: Charlie Javice

  • How Forbes Monetizes The Frauds They Create

    How Forbes Monetizes The Frauds They Create

    Sam Bankman-Fried, Elizabeth Holmes, and Charlie Javice share a few things in common. They all seem to have committed fraud; though a court of law convicted only Homes at the time of writing. The three are also Forbes ’30 Under 30′ Alumni. Forbes is the best in the business at monetizing frauds on the way…

  • How Gawker Media Once Kept Silicon Valley In Check

    How Gawker Media Once Kept Silicon Valley In Check

    At one time, Valleywag part of Gawker served as a tattletale hall monitor for the startup community. But since Peter Thiel sued the publication out of existence, the startup world has run amok without media coverage until hundreds of millions of dollars are involved. That’s a problem for the entire ecosystem.