Tag: Facebook

  • Most Marketing Books are Crap

    Most Marketing Books are Crap

    Most marketing books are crap, and broadly speaking, most business books suck too. These books are mostly written by people selling consulting, or worse, some productized service. While I’m critical of most business books, I’m focusing this beating on marketing books only. Out of a sampling of books on marketing; it’s common to see a…

  • I’m Leaving Facebook, for Now, I’m Not Asking Anyone to are

    I’m Leaving Facebook, for Now, I’m Not Asking Anyone to are

    Last year in October I stopped posting to my own Facebook timeline, publicly or otherwise. That was about a year after I uninstalled the Facebook app from my phone. Both of these decisions felt freeing, they made me happier and almost literally gave me more hours in my day. I kept lurking on Facebook, in…