Tag: New York Times

  • How Gawker Media Once Kept Silicon Valley In Check

    How Gawker Media Once Kept Silicon Valley In Check

    At one time, Valleywag part of Gawker served as a tattletale hall monitor for the startup community. But since Peter Thiel sued the publication out of existence, the startup world has run amok without media coverage until hundreds of millions of dollars are involved. That’s a problem for the entire ecosystem.

  • Is Link Building A Waste Of Time In 2020?

    Is Link Building A Waste Of Time In 2020?

    “Link building is a waste of time for SEO” – At least, that is the claim made by an “SEO expert” on LinkedIn. But is link building a waste of time for better search ranking in 2020? Absolutely not.  When Google started, they set themselves apart from other search engines by using off-site factors to…

  • The Chaotic Language of Art

    The Chaotic Language of Art

    A friend asked for help promoting an “amazing and underrated artist” on display at a Dallas museum. Over coffee, we crafted a press release for Igor Samsonov‘s exhibit. I’d never met or heard of Samsonov before, but his work was indeed amazing. The visual depth of every painting is striking. Scenes and subjects have an…

  • The Four, Book Review

    The Four, Book Review

    Written by Scott Galloway, “The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google” reads like the highest aspiration of the edgy business book genre. Flipping to any page, and putting a finger on any sentence gives you about a 70% chance of reading an (at least semi) meaningful insight, wrapped in a warm…