• Why is Self-improvement Bad When it’s Biohacking?

    Why is Self-improvement Bad When it’s Biohacking?

    After looking at The Atlantic’s take on Twitter’s CEO, Jack Dorsey’s fasting; I’m getting tired of the way some publications stand against well… self-improvement. I realize some of the Silicon Valley bros make it an easy target. But “biohacking” is self-improvement, backed by science. Sometimes biohacking is also pseudoscience, and other times just crazy measures that…

  • Moonwalking with Einstein, Book Review

    Moonwalking with Einstein, Book Review

    Moonwalking with Einstein is a delightful read offering a solid overview of memory techniques. I normally finish a book before recommending it, but the day I started reading I’d told at least six people to check it out. A few days later when I finished I considered it one of the best pieces of participatory…

  • What I Learned Failing Three Side Hustles Last Year

    What I Learned Failing Three Side Hustles Last Year

    Last year I started a few projects outside of my day to day at Push ROI. I wanted side hustles, the kind of small businesses I could actively help grow, but that didn’t require funding beyond what I could bootstrap. Some of those failed pretty epically, for reasons I was sure were in no way…

  • I’m Leaving Facebook, for Now, I’m Not Asking Anyone to are

    I’m Leaving Facebook, for Now, I’m Not Asking Anyone to are

    Last year in October I stopped posting to my own Facebook timeline, publicly or otherwise. That was about a year after I uninstalled the Facebook app from my phone. Both of these decisions felt freeing, they made me happier and almost literally gave me more hours in my day. I kept lurking on Facebook, in…

  • My Concept of Ownership in Business

    My Concept of Ownership in Business

    To me ownership is the single most important concept in business and, although equity is important, I’m not talking about actual shares or percentages of a company. I’m talking about empowering employees, partners, and coworkers to be able to make decisions. Ownership equates to control. If you want those you work with to ever be…

  • Please Steal My Scope of Work. I Want You to Have it.

    Please Steal My Scope of Work. I Want You to Have it.

    I started freelancing at the ripe old age of 13. I knew nothing about running a business, had no idea how to pitch or bid a project, and my knowledge of contract law was lacking to say the least. But that was all fine. I was just happy to have any work from people who were willing…

  • Do We Need Laws For Net Neutrality?

    Do We Need Laws For Net Neutrality?

    I’ve always supported the ideas behind Net Neutrality. A free and open internet where internet service providers would serve all sites at the best available speed and not charge websites for preferential treatment (faster speeds). For the record, I also support Santa Claus serving ALL children with the best toys his elves can churn out,…

  • Search Engine Usability — Stop Thinking of SEO

    Search Engine Usability — Stop Thinking of SEO

    Search engine optimization is not just about bringing traffic to your site. Fundamentally you are helping to solve a usability problem for the search engine. Most marketers think of SEO the wrong way. Spend 15 minutes at a Digital marketing conference and you can hear dozens of people talking about SEO from the perspective of…

  • Recognize Bad Clients Early

    Recognize Bad Clients Early

    If you’ve never heard of Pareto’s Principle, it’s an economic principle saying; 20% of something is always responsible for 80% of the results. Or more simply, that 20% of your clients will be responsible for 80% of your work. When this number is commensurate with income, meaning 20% of your clients = 80% of your…

  • Working With a Video Production Company in the World of YouTube?

    Working With a Video Production Company in the World of YouTube?

    I work mostly with small companies and start ups doing what we will abstractly call “marketing”. Most of the time, I end up doing online marketing and media production. My background is as a photographer, cinematographer and editor; so I tend to make original videos and photos big parts of a social and search marketing strategy.