Category: Health
Did Negative Media Coverage of Covid19 Reduced Treatment Options?
The other day, Jon Hardister a Republican member of the North Carolina House of Representatives, Tweeted his summary of a working paper from November, 2020. That paper analyzed the tone used in U.S. media coverage of Covid19. The paper maybe of interest, but Hardister didn’t link to the paper, he just Tweeted the following: “A study…
Default Diet Advice
First, understand a calorie deficit is the only reason you will lose weight. Second, understand that fat, carbohydrates and proteins can all be converted to adipose tissue. If you cut carbs, or fat and lost weight it was because of a calorie deficit, not magic. But I ate 3,000 calories of only meat daily for…
Should I Give Up Foods Tom Brady Does Not Eat?
I was sent an article about Tom Brady’s diet, with the question; “should I give up the foods Brady doesn’t eat?” Judging from the article, Tom Brady doesn’t eat a lot of things. Some, like white sugar and white flour, can be cut from most diets and be an automatic positive. But dairy, nightshades (like…
Why is Self-improvement Bad When it’s Biohacking?
After looking at The Atlantic’s take on Twitter’s CEO, Jack Dorsey’s fasting; I’m getting tired of the way some publications stand against well… self-improvement. I realize some of the Silicon Valley bros make it an easy target. But “biohacking” is self-improvement, backed by science. Sometimes biohacking is also pseudoscience, and other times just crazy measures that…