Default Diet Advice

First, understand a calorie deficit is the only reason you will lose weight. Second, understand that fat, carbohydrates and proteins can all be converted to adipose tissue. If you cut carbs, or fat and lost weight it was because of a calorie deficit, not magic. But I ate 3,000 calories of only meat daily for…

First published in on April 24, 2019.

First, understand a calorie deficit is the only reason you will lose weight. Second, understand that fat, carbohydrates and proteins can all be converted to adipose tissue. If you cut carbs, or fat and lost weight it was because of a calorie deficit, not magic.

But I ate 3,000 calories of only meat daily for a month and lost a ton of weight!

Some People

Protein has more of a thermic effect – than carbs and fat – meaning you burn more calories turning protein into energy than carbs to energy. That doesn’t change fat loss from being about calories in versus calories out, it changes your default caloric burn.

But I only at 1600 calories a day and didn’t lose weight.

Other People

If you restrict calories, your body tries to conserve energy. If your NeAT (Nonexercise Activity Thermogenesis) rate changes this also doesn’t change how calories work. If you consume fewer calories, and also burn fewer calories, you don’t lose weight.

Peoples NeAT rate is a reason they lose weight when prescribed amphetamines. It’s also the reason professional fighters tend to blink slowly when they weigh in.

Now that I have the “there are no magic foods that don’t count” ranting out of the way.

My Advice: Control calories, protein & fiber

Calculate how many calories you should be eating to lose, gain or maintain weight. A lot of calculators exist online, I’m not going to endorse one and the formula is a bit complex to write out.

I recommend getting 0.8 – 1.2 grams of protein per pound of lean mass, yes, you can get by with less. But high protein diets tend to be more satiating and even 1.2 grams per pound of lean mass is not close to the proposed maximum anabolic effect of protein.

For Fiber get 15 grams per 1,000 calories. If you eat meat, eat fiber along sided it, because that seems to lower the increase in colon cancer resulting from red meat consumption.

But what about…

Note: I’ll update this post-overtime with more types of diets and questions that are frequently asked about.


I like the way I feel on a ketogenic diet. Also, keto seems to have major positives for those with (or at risk of) Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, and Cancer. That said, keto is not magic for fat loss.

I won’t go into depth on keto safety, but most of your body’s tissues are conditional glucose users, and can be fueled on ketones. Most humans bodies can create more than the 100 grams (or so) of glucose needed for your central nervous system and red blood cells.

If you try keto, feel good and don’t feel overly restricted, Do it. But don’t start saying crazy things like: “Your body is better at burning stored fat in ketosis.” Or “The human body can’t turn fat into stored fat.” both are untrue.

Article by Mason Pelt of Push ROI. First published in on April 24, 2019. Photo by p_a_h