Category: Business / Economics

  • The 1xftrv9efs of Covid19 – Google Test

    The 1xftrv9efs of Covid19 – Google Test

    Hey all, as you may have experienced Google Search as gotten worse over time. It’s hard to find specific articles from smaller websites now even when you search for very unique titles. This post will serve as an example. At the time of writing, most of the (seven) results for “The 1xftrv9efs of Covid19 –…

  • Is Online Ads Management A ‘High Demand’ Skill?’

    Is Online Ads Management A ‘High Demand’ Skill?’

    Every “learn that high demand skill [online ads]” course is bull shit. How do I know? Because I’ve run an absolutely obscene amount of digital ads, and I just had to explain to a VP of marketing that advertising online is actually still relevant. I’ve been managing client ads since 2013, and I’ve run well…

  • Online Gurus Are Beyond Parody

    Online Gurus Are Beyond Parody

    I used to make videos mocking the folks you see in ads on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. selling you some form of info product. I had to stop, because, while standing in front of a U-Haul place and talking about the haters who will claim I the great, “Dutch Ovens” don’t own all these trucks,…

  • Is Link Building A Waste Of Time In 2020?

    Is Link Building A Waste Of Time In 2020?

    “Link building is a waste of time for SEO” – At least, that is the claim made by an “SEO expert” on LinkedIn. But is link building a waste of time for better search ranking in 2020? Absolutely not.  When Google started, they set themselves apart from other search engines by using off-site factors to…

  • How-To Course Market Saturation Index

    How-To Course Market Saturation Index

    People often love simple correlation metrics, in part because (aside from post hoc fallacies, like more ice cream means more murder), correlation can be an easy indicator of a broader trend. My favorite correlation metric example is the Hot Waitress Index, so dubbed by Hugo Lindgren in an article for New York Magazine. Lindgren’s point,…

  • Partner Or Employee With Extra Steps?

    Partner Or Employee With Extra Steps?

    This morning I saw a post by Paul O’Brien titled “A VC is asking 6% for acting as an advisor…” – My first thought, that is some b******t – O’Brien agreed. His post is well worth reading, and it lead me down another thought pathway. When you give out a lot of equity, you are…

  • Why I Stopped Calling Myself A Consultant

    Why I Stopped Calling Myself A Consultant

    When someone asked what my job was, I used to tell them I was a “Consultant”. This was an accurate title. I worked with companies, largely on digital marketing, video, and product planning. I’ve stopped using the title, however, and should have given it up sooner. A few years ago, a client told me I…

  • Why I Don’t Sign NDAs, Mostly

    Why I Don’t Sign NDAs, Mostly

    As a general rule, I don’t sign NDAs; meaning non-disclosure agreements, because as a general rule, NDAs are BS, meaning b******t. Here’s the thing, NDAs serve a narrow function. Enforcing confidentiality when no other legal structure would require it. It’s why you don’t need Lawyers or medical personnel to sign an NDA. You also don’t…

  • Not Every Company Is A Tech Company

    Not Every Company Is A Tech Company

    MIT, CNBC, Wall Street Journal, and others are declaring every business is a tech company now. Technology is pervasive in all businesses and saying “every company is a tech company” makes a sexy headline. It’s like the new version of pronouncing email dead; while untrue, it’s easy to build a case for the claim. I’m…

  • What I Learned Failing Three Side Hustles Last Year

    What I Learned Failing Three Side Hustles Last Year

    Last year I started a few projects outside of my day to day at Push ROI. I wanted side hustles, the kind of small businesses I could actively help grow, but that didn’t require funding beyond what I could bootstrap. Some of those failed pretty epically, for reasons I was sure were in no way…

  • My Concept of Ownership in Business

    My Concept of Ownership in Business

    To me ownership is the single most important concept in business and, although equity is important, I’m not talking about actual shares or percentages of a company. I’m talking about empowering employees, partners, and coworkers to be able to make decisions. Ownership equates to control. If you want those you work with to ever be…

  • Please Steal My Scope of Work. I Want You to Have it.

    Please Steal My Scope of Work. I Want You to Have it.

    I started freelancing at the ripe old age of 13. I knew nothing about running a business, had no idea how to pitch or bid a project, and my knowledge of contract law was lacking to say the least. But that was all fine. I was just happy to have any work from people who were willing…