Tag: Google
The 1xftrv9efs of Covid19 – Google Test
Hey all, as you may have experienced Google Search as gotten worse over time. It’s hard to find specific articles from smaller websites now even when you search for very unique titles. This post will serve as an example. At the time of writing, most of the (seven) results for “The 1xftrv9efs of Covid19 –…
Is Link Building A Waste Of Time In 2020?
“Link building is a waste of time for SEO” – At least, that is the claim made by an “SEO expert” on LinkedIn. But is link building a waste of time for better search ranking in 2020? Absolutely not. When Google started, they set themselves apart from other search engines by using off-site factors to…
How-To Course Market Saturation Index
People often love simple correlation metrics, in part because (aside from post hoc fallacies, like more ice cream means more murder), correlation can be an easy indicator of a broader trend. My favorite correlation metric example is the Hot Waitress Index, so dubbed by Hugo Lindgren in an article for New York Magazine. Lindgren’s point,…