This post is from 2014, and is blocked from searching engine indexing as it is no longer relevant.
Facebook remarketing is one of the most effective tactics I’ve used. having done retargeting on Facebook, for several years now, using Perfect Audience (Acquired by Marin Software) or Adroll. But now the barrier to entry for one of the best Facebook marketing tactics has gotten a lot lower thanks to Facebook’s native pixel. This is how you can set up Facebook retargeting using Facebook’s native tracking pixel.
Go to your account in the Facebook ads manager and select “Audiences” on the left. In the Audiences section you have several options to make a custom audience. You can upload a data file (emails, user IDs, phone numbers or mobile advertiser IDs), connect MailChimp, build a custom audience from your mobile app, or create a custom audience from your website (website retargeting).

Click on “Create a Custom Audience from your Website” and name your custom audience something meaningful. Now click “View Custom Audience Pixel” to view the tracking.

Take this bunch of Java Script and place it in your website before the closing tag, on every page you would like to retarget.

If your CMS’s theme allows you to place a code in the your site you can apply it to every page easily. Or even better if you use Google Tag Manager you can apply the tag and define firing rules.
Article by Mason Pelt of Push ROI. First published in on June 17, 2014.